You maybe asking yourself “WOW that TM2020 skin looks SO GOOD! I wanna have it in TMNF!” Then this is the right place for you. Just follow the tutorial and you can become a skin making god (or copier).

If you have Nations and not United, other people cannot see your skin on online servers.

If you want a skin with light glowing from it (like neon tires) that is only possible in Maniaplanet and Trackmania 2020

Ok so what tools do I need? Just download the stuff below.

  1. An image editor that supports .DDS files (Microsoft DirectDraw Surface) like
  2. A car model for TMNF that looks like the TM2020 stadium car (CarSport):
  3. The TM2020 car that you want to convert to a TMNF car skin (I will use the car skin by Jfred for the 20 year skin contest:

Now that we have both of those cars, lets unzip them to the desktop.

Now open both of them. For the TM2020 car, the skin is The TMNF skin is

Since we know both of the skins are those files, lets transfer the skin from TM2020 to TMNF using the editor that you downloaded before, Paint.NET! Just select all of the image from the TM2020 car skin (CTRL+A) and copy it (CTRL+C). Now go to the other skin and paste it in there (CTRL+V) and resize if needed.

This is also your time to copy and paste the images from TM2020 to TMNF that look similar like the icons and the details. (You can also get crazy with the car shadows!)

It also looks like the template for making skins hasn’t changed since TMUF released!

Now just select all of the files in the TMNF folder and send them to a zip file.

So you want to see your results in-game? Sure. Just move that zip file you made to Documents/TrackMania/Skins/Vehicles/CarCommon. (Make the folders if you dont have it!) Now just change the stadium car skin to the skin that you made.

Here are the results for me:

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